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The current state of science on social media ...

snytiger6 9 Apr 9

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A long-time member of my discussion group has built his own company making testing equipment for the biotech industry. He's extremely bright and knowledgeable but he is also conservative and given to getting his news from RT and Fox. Last year, he started claiming that the vaccines would cause an outbreak of autoimmune diseases. It made absolutely no sense and I couldn't believe that he'd repeat bullshit without checking it out. Later, I learned that this was a conspiracy theory being put out by a bunch of wacko Canadian doctors. I felt fury over his lack of integrity. What do you do to get people to be honest?

I happen to have an autoimmune problem, and certain vaccines do make it flare up (For me it was vaccines for hepatitis). However, I do maintain that vaccines are beneficial, and autoimmune reactions are actually pretty rare, even for those of us who have autoimmune problems.

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