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I just want ...

snytiger6 9 Apr 9

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Here is the proof that the Air Force is lying about UFO’s. Their recent UFO report is the Condign Report. Capt. Robert Salas states that the Air Force withheld the UFO files relating to ICBM interference and that this was done to enable the Condign Report to then make the claim that UFO incidents were not assessed to represent a threat to National Security. The Air Force self-censored their intel from their own committee to obtain the desired result, which has recently been parroted by that lying sack of shit, Sean Kirkpatrick of Nasa's AARO.

Sorry, the Condign Report does Not say what you say it does, not even slightly.
It concluded that reports could be classified as objects "not under control" in short haphazard-acting objects. ( UAP's)
The reason it was kept "secret" was that it showed nothing, so why bother, making headlines about Nothing is just lame.

@annewimsey500 Wikipedia: The report concluded that UFOs had an observable presence that was “indisputable”, but also that no evidence has been found to suggest they are "hostile or under any type of control". and "Due to the secret nature of the report, it was apparently not subject to peer review, and it has been suggested that the "buoyant plasma" hypothesis would not have withstood independent scrutiny." I read the term hostile as being comparable to being a threat to national security.

They released Condign in response to Penniston's need to get treatment and this was the only way to get his medical records declassified and accessible to his doctors. The plasma explanation is absurd and insulting. The report documented that others developed similar effects after encountering the 'plasma'.

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