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Poor uncle Bosie

godlessguy 7 Apr 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Too funny...


A man embellishing the truth. How unremarkable. At least he doesn't claim to be a successful businessman!

You don’t get to be a billionaire unless you’re a successful business man. Biden on the other hand has lived off of the taxpayer for most of his life.

@Trajan61 The vast majority of wealth is inherited, just as in his case, you dimwit. Biden served the public for most of his life while Trump never served anyone but himself.


He’s a chronic liar so what else is new. 🤣😂😜

The amount of bullshit that comes out of this guys mouth is unbelievable.The pathetic part is he probably believes that some of this nonsense is true .Most of the crap he makes up are his attempts to identify with the people he is speaking to .An example is when he lied and said he used to drive an 18 wheeler when making a speech during a tour of a Mack truck facility in 2021.


Not the best choice of anecdotes!


What next, is he going to proudly claim his great Granddad lead the charge at Wounded Knee?


Of course. Local experts are everywhere.


The 14th best el presidenti ever!

puff Level 8 Apr 20, 2024

He’s definitely the worst in the last 100 years with Obama being a close 2nd!


As opposed to every word that comes out of Trump's mouth damages our relations, domestic or foreign, or both.

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