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If you eat popcorn, beware! About seven months ago, I chomped down on an unpopped kernel and had intense pain. I went to the dentist, had x-rays, but there was no sign of a fracture or chip. The pain subsided but I was wary as I had a hairline crack in another tooth for years without it showing up. That tooth finally had to be extracted.

Last Friday, I bit down on a soft piece of bread and . . . Pain! When I got to the dentist on Monday, the crack was clearly apparent: in fact, the tooth had split literally in two. So, I lost another tooth. I s'pose I will get a bridge as the thought of an implant makes me cringe.

So, beware unpopped kernels. I will never eat popcorn again. Google the dangers!

This is random--not silly or fun.

Gwen_Wanderer 7 Apr 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Yeah, I’m not eating popcorn anymore.


Sorry for your bad experience. In 1986 I got my first set of full dentures. Nothing is perfect and I got another later on. About 2 years ago I got an expensive set of dentures guaranteed not to wear of crack for 10 years. This is not the plate, but the teeth themselves. No more pain and when I sleep the dentures are in a cup in another room.

Someday, I am sure that I will need dentures, at least a partial plate on top. In the meanwhile, I will most likely get a bridge as I had already lost a tooth on the same upper side.


Pitted olives may harbor fragments of pits. Not fun.

With popcorn my worst experiences are shells wedged in the gums toward the back teeth that are hard to remove by brushing or flossing. I’ve experienced that with the bagged popcorn more than when I pop it myself.

I once broke a tooth on a Triscuit so don’t eat those anymore, which is a shame because I loved them.

Pitted olives AND pitted cherries! It must have been a very dry Triscuit--I don't eat many of them because they taste like straw.


I am also in bridge/implant land, after an endodontist fractured a tooth during a root canal procedure. You're right about those popcorn kernels. It's so easy to overlook them when you're indulging! Good luck with your bridge.

It will be a bit before I look into a bridge, but it sounds more appealing that implantes.


Beware chomping down on birds shot by a hunter. The piece of lead, much smaller than an unpopped corn kernel, surprised me but happily no pain followed.

I don't know any hunters, so that is not an issue for me.


Same thing with dried fruit. When they are supposed to have no pits or have them taken out, but you get the odd one they missed, or sometimes a little bit of stalk that bakes really hard when cooked.

I stopped eating dried fruit long ago, but I can easily understand the dangers of which you speak!

Fresh sweet cherries can have an occasional pit, too.

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