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Court tomorrow and MRI wednesday. Probably most stressful week of my life. Worst is I'll be alone for both. I have had such bad luck just lately, so many losses and things go wrong, its hard to accept that these are purely random events. Even I, a reasonably sensible academic start imaging that I am storing up luck for the future. Its not true of course...all just a series of random events. Or as my Mum would have said, ' you make your own luck'. So courage to the sticking place on thursday night, it'll all be over with.

Amisja 8 May 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Well day 1. Of super stress week over and my ex has dramatically underestimated me. Well no more. Judge was clearly very sympathetic. Anyway he has to pay me £500 a month maintenance, drop the £400 I send 12months back pay. I will be £900 a month better off!!!!!!! Thank you all so much for your thoughts. It really helped. I read them all as I sat and waited in the waiting room. Yeah you got this Jayne (my real name). Thank you thank you thank you....onwards. (£900=$1300...not sure about Austrailian $)

Whoohoo!!! You rock ! Maybe we do have a cosmic vibe going on here ???! ?

Well, that's a few coffees and wines covered.
The Australian dollar total is around $1,600

@Petter whoop!


I wish I could be your advocate for both events, A. But you know what, sometimes having the space to reflect on your own inner strength when you're facing something significant, can be a better option than having someone chatting in your ear. Sending love and best wishes....

Thank you so much


Sending virtual hugs. When you feel stressed, just close your eyes for a micro second and grab one. Best I can do from here.?

Tilia Level 7 May 7, 2018

Thank you


Hi Amisja, How are things looking now ? Pull up a chair, I'll pour a tea, or a gin, and you can tell us all the sordid details.
Hope you are in a better spot at least.

Tilia Level 7 May 8, 2018

I cannot believe the court don't even have my correct address.

@Amisja Aw crap **!!!


I am seriously claustrophobic... I used to panic living in AZ because it is landlocked. I NEVER get in lifts. The idea of the MRI is utterly terrifying.

I get the MRI thing. I close my eyes as soon as I lay down and don't open them again until they slide me out again. Take care. I wish you well.


Take a deep bresth and reward yourself with something comforting each day. Keepus posted about your situation - we can, ar least, offer a listening post.


You are never alone. All your friends on this site are rooting (not rutting ) for you !,


Hope it all works out.


hang in there, when the day begins, just remember, time will pass, the day will end, you will be home again and it will be over. I know leading up to these things is stressy as is going through them. Promise yourself a nice tea/coffee/scotch? once you get home from each of these.

Thank you for those are right. (Might be a gin though 😉 )

@Amisja whatever gets you through !


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Just stay alive.


In my experience I'll bet Court will take a lot longer than the MRI. 😉 Good luck.


Sending prayers your way.

Hahaha thanks 😉


hoping for the best. let us know how it goes


We wish you well. May your random luck change direction!

Me too...if it does, I always share


So sorry there!


Hope both situations turn out with outcomes to your favor. Hang in there!


I hope it all goes as well as it can.


I hope things work out well for you.


I've just been reading all the comments and your replies. I really sympathise with you.
If only we could do something "physical", like banging your ex's head against the wall of a synagogue. (Giving a whole new meaning to the description "wailing wall".)
MRI to look for what?

Had a car accident and undisclosed fracture of the clavical.

@Amisja wow, you are having a rough time of it. ?

@Amisja Ow! I spent 3 months walking sideways after that bloody train failed to stop before crossing the road. I sympathise.

@Petter oh wow...hope you are ok lovie?

@Amisja I refuse not to be OK. It's one of my annoying quirks! I hope your MRI goes well.

@Petter Thank you...dreading it

@Amisja Were I there, I would hold your hand for you. Just imagine that all your friends here are holding them, anyway.
I to Acrington about 15 years ago, to buy a used image setter for my publishing business, but I've never been back.
I see you are nearly at level 7 now. Once you reach it, don't fail to look up the Chat room.

@Petter Hey cool you were here. I won't. Keep liking my posts 😉


Shit Happens! Stay Strong ??????

Coldo Level 8 May 7, 2018

Good luck for both events 🙂


Believe in yourself, learn from this experience and never make the same mistake keep moving forward live in the present We all go thru this process in life

Rosh Level 7 May 7, 2018

Best wishes. Remember, you have a caring community here.


Good random luck


Good morning. ...wish I could be there for you

Thank you

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