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When I was a kid, bedtime was 9 pm.
I couldn't wait to be a grownup so I could stay up as late as I wanted.
Turns out that is 9 pm.

TheoryNumber3 8 May 4

Enjoy being online again!

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HAH! These days, I'm lucky to make it past 8:30! (I'm usually up by 5am.)

I did that schedule for years but a couple of years ago something shifted and now I stay up til midnight and get up at 7 or 8 am.

@silverotter11 sounds lovely...I miss late hours. But...can't do what I do and not get enough sleep.


All a matter of habit! My bedtime is between 01:30 and 02:30. Of course, my wakeup time is 09:30-45. It's all a matter of habit.

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