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Looks like that bastard Bibi brain has stepped over the line so Biden put a hold on ammunition being delivered...


Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 May 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Personally I think this is a necessary move and could or should have happened sooner. Since I'm not gonna be protesting on a campus I simply called my reps in WA DC and and asked if they couldn't maybe put a bug in someone's ear about stopping ammo being sent to Bibi. There are ways to support Israel without sending guns. imho

Writing letters to the editor and contacting your congress critters, is what naive, idealistic middle class people still do, thinking that the system still works, and that we have a functioning democracy, which even Jimmy Carter, admitted that we don't. So suit yourself and contact and vote away, it won't change anything.. Unless you can start writing the kind of checks the billionaires and corporations do to the pols, you will be ignored..

@TomMcGiverin I have all Dems in DC. When the COVID pandemic hit (whether you believe it was real or not) and trump started spouting stuff about the elections, my major concern was that trump would use it as a reason to not hold an election. I called both my senators and expressed my concerns about what trump might try. I was surprised and pleased when Senator Patty Murray parroted my words and concerns. WA State is all mail in balloting and places in my county added more secure ballot boxes to make it easier for people to vote.
So sometimes a good idea is listened to.
The bigger picture is a concern and things like the Electoral College have to change.

@silverotter11 Good ideas are only listened to from us peasants, if they cost the rich and corporations nothing, and if the pols think it might also help them win votes. But that former priority is much more important to the pols, esp. the Dem ones..

@TomMcGiverin What really bugs me are the same old tropes dredged up over and over again and always a certain segment of the population goes for it. Both parties helped to serve up trump.
It's the vicious bullies that make up so much of the elected officials today that is scary. The bullis are not the majority they just make more noise, which would lead me to a rant on the media. LOL
I which we could get beyond 2 parties and rein in big money influence.

@silverotter11 Me too, but it'll never happen with the current system, because both major parties, as well as the SC for decades, have supported the current system of legalized bribery, ie. big money politics, rather than real campaign finance reform and public financing of fed elections.

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