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Really not looking for any argument with this post, just wanted to point to a comparison with current events. Of course someone will be contentious, it seems almost unavoidable in today's social media. If the police break into a murders house and there are 20 people there and the murderer is hiding, is it ok for them to kill 5 and say it happened because they were looking for the murderer? Or even 1?. Approximately 1,200 people were murdered by Hamas on Oct 7th ( The latest reports I have seen indicate more than 34,000 people have been killed in Gaza ( When the count was approx 33,000, the Israeli military estimated 13,000 were militants ( Please draw your own conclusions.

towkneed 7 May 9

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To me, the Israeli response to the Oct. Hamas attack, seems a lot like the attitude of US soldiers and bomber pilots in the Vietnam War, namely, " Let's just kill them all, and let God sort out the mistakes"... Now if all you care about is revenge, then Israel's response makes sense, if you care about justice, it doesn't. And as far as deterring Hamas from further attacks, I think the US so-called War On Terror, proved that when you murder civilians arrogantly, you create new terrorists, faster than you can kill them off..

Agree with the second part. And I would agree with the first part but I try not to see large groups monolithically ("US soldiers" ). I've been working on my usage of absolutes


They want to reduce the population.

I'm sure many in power do. There are also Israelis against the campaign.

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