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It takes a prize idiot to correlate the LGBTQIA+ community with pedophiles, and the Liberal [ (Lie)beral ] party of Western Australia has just given its seal of approval to one such idiot: []

anglophone 9 May 11

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Time for reading comprehension 101.

The article about the conservative party candidate for the state seat of Albany makes no reference to his religious beliefs.


I am betting this religious fucktard they are helping to get elected will one day get caught putting his dick somewhere it shouldn't be...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Hopefully in a batch of mashed potatoes not a child!

@michelle666gar Unfortunately it is more likely to be a child...


I don't get it, but priests and pastors are not part of being known pedophiles, hmmm......

Yes they are... Another one in Texas just got sentenced to 84 years in prison for molesting three girls...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz But it's still the drag Queens! 🙄🙄🙄

@michelle666gar Sounds like a case of deflection doesn't it?...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz It always is.


Such accusations nearly always derive as projection from abused Christians.


That seems really odd. In the U.S. its the conservatives who tend to be the ones that run around accusing the LGBTQ community of being pedophiles.

Maybe things are just reversed their what with Australia being upside down.

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