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Stock market today: Dow closes above 40,000 for the first time as latest inflation data fuels big weekly gains


TheoryNumber3 8 May 17

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The explosive stock market, while good for retirement plans, has little bearing on the lives of the average person. What it is an indication of is companies raking in massive profits, using inflation as a cover. And the wealthiest winning the largest gambling game out there. Stock gains get taxed at a much lower rate than your savings account, pay dividends much larger than your bank pays interest, and with computer investing, can reap millions of dollars for those who have it in a matter of seconds. What a deal!

However... Trump said the stock market would crash if Biden becomes President, and today it hit its highest point EVER!! So much for Trump's powers of forecasting.

@TheoryNumber3 ooooohhh, humor!!!!


And it gets almost no notice with the mainstream media. Which is as it should be, as an indicator of the economic health of the nation it's not that good. Sadly trump supporters lapped it up when he was president. I'm happy for small percentage of people in the U.S. that benefit from this but damn it the rest of us are fucking tired of being left behind!

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