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🚨BREAKING: Elon Musk Calls For Anthony Fauci To Be PROSECUTED After It Was Just Admitted He Lied About U.S. Funding of DANGEROUS Virus Research in China's COVID Lab ⚠️

1patriot 8 May 20

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Who the helll dioes Myusk the is ?????????????????????????????

you think politically it was ok for Fauci to lie to a president to kill people. and people are still dying from these shots. we have a hockey player not play game 7 because he's having blood clotting issues. yes he's been jabbed. so at age 22, is his career over because he has bad blood..... these shot are the crime. Fucker invented AIDS and HIV too, so he is a mass murder criminal


Rand Paul will push for it, he's the one he patronisingly lied to.

puff Level 8 May 20, 2024
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