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Just in case any doubt Israel is the last "Western" European colony. here are the real names of Israel's past and current PM. European Jews trying to sound Semitic (Semite refers to language groups) and then accusing all of being antisemitic whilst wiping out the real Semites in Palestine.
These European colonialists are ethnically cleansing the land, their final solution, because the "Goat Herders guide to the Galaxy" supposedly gave it to them, the "Master race" aka god's chosen.
Fuck the state of Israel and all those that empower their slaughter of what they view as lesser humans. Fascist scum the lot of them.

puff 8 May 25

Enjoy being online again!

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I have a cultural Jewish friend and she bristled when I sent her this link. I then looked up sematics and semitism (semitism all came up with antisemitism) but there is a language and cultural link. I looked up the first couple of names and this report was correct.She will not like this but the problem is this ploy is one of Zionism which is an extremist group.

An extremist group that has hijacked the Jewish identity. We are in the information age which is kinda a bane on society. But little is black and white and there is no way I would have discovered this by going to a library and researching it myself so this internet age does have advantages. We witness the powerful are doing everything to control information but like they keep telling us; "If you've done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear".
I don't think Zionists will be able to hide behind the Holocaust nor antisemitisms now to counter criticism, that time has past eg when people hear "genocide" in the future they won't think Holocaust, they will think Gaza.

@puff And it seems we are unable to do the right thing because the conservatives want to do the wrong thing and they're able to get away with it.

@pedigojr I wouldn't blame only conservatives. Looks to me there is bipartisan support. It's a far bigger problem with our societies with party politics providing a distracting sideshow.
To make you feel better, Australia has the same quality of poor politicians. Our opposition leaders dream is for us to be a major weapons manufacturer.

@puff Seems more countries are going that way. They all see the growing threat but few question the cause.


It occurs to me that all the support Israel gets from the US seems to a payoff for a handy place to keep military that can watch over the middle East's oil. Many of Israel's folk are innocent pawns. Just like many Palestinians. Dialogue or Death. You would think that is not too hard to grasp. Bitterness and hatred have long memories I am glad to be comfortable away from the drama.


There are a lot of secular, cultural, even atheist Jews in this country and one is a close friend of mine. I will send her this. Thank You.

It's a problem with grouping people. Israel has not only compromised US foreign policy, they also have compromised Jewish identity. Give your friend my best.
What is happening is a crime against humanity. This means it is irrelevant it is happening to Palestinians as it is a crime against all humanity.


The biblical Jesus, if he really existed, was Joshua or Yeshua. It depends on which language base you are using here.

OK. Let's get right to the title here. Benyamin Nuteeyahu. Call him Nutty Yahoo if you like. 🙂

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