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While New Zealand Destiny Church head Brian Tamaki is busy trying to convince kiwis that drag queens & rainbow coloured pedestrian crossings are sexually indoctrinating kids, one of his church members has been out there allegedly sexually abusing children.

Some things never change, eh?

Destiny Church youth leader reportedly stood down over sexual abuse allegations


Zealandia 8 May 26

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Anyone who abuses children should be prosecuted.


These churches need to be shut down when this shit is found out!

It happens in ALL churches.

@KateOahu I know. I get the FFRF newsletter every month and it posts all the different churches and preachers that are prosecuted for child sexual abuse. ALL churches should be shut down in my opinion.

@Redheadedgammy Yep, with no excuses allowed.


Are they making ''gang signs'' in those photos? SWINE!

It could be gang signs but how do we know which ones they are? Sign meaning have all changed in my lifetime.

@DenoPenno Perhaps they're SIGNS OF SATAN? šŸ™‚

Iā€™m not sure what the hand sign means either.

@Zealandia I like "The horns of SATANNNN"

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