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And now for just some fun science. No religious BS, no politics, just fun stuff.

captfeelgood 6 May 31

Enjoy being online again!

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See folks. This post here below me is why grownups can't have fun anymore. 😒😢 Flying saucer needs to quit the LSD and greatfull dead music, and start paying attention to real life. Stop being a damn KAREN!

Hey, the antics are kinda fun, but a bit juvenile. It's not so much science as "lets have fun destroying things." Pretty sophomoric. No attempt to make an actual comparison; no discussion of energy inputs, or even types of energy. Not edifying. Sorry, but that's how it strikes me. Now if it had not been billed as science, I might not feel let down and would probably be more open to the visceral joy of destruction. 😂

PS: I haven't had any LSD in at least 45 years, but I do have other types of fun 😊🚴⛵🎳🏹💃🕺📚🎯🥳🥗

@Flyingsaucesir "Now if it had not been billed as science" ... I rest my case. 🙄 whatever bro.


I didn't watch the whole thing. Did they even mention the fact that it takes vastly more energy to make a liter of magma than to run a laser that can cut through glass beer bottles?

Giant space lasers are the worst kind and especially if Jews made them.

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