4 7

DAMN.. if this is true, heads need to roll. This is some fucked up shit. MAID . Death by lethal injection aint what they told us.

captfeelgood 7 May 31

Enjoy being online again!

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In 2016 my late partner got a diagnosis of an inoperable brain tumor. It only affected her speech but she immediately opted for our states Death with Dignity program. We learned a lot about the program and the meds. used. An original medication came from France and was only to be used for a DwD program but someone got it and used it for a capital punishment case. The French withdrew the drug. Then the Canadians supplied the medication. It was an old form of sleeping pill but one received 100 capsules and opened them up and put them into a liquid. The then price shot up but the Canadians refused to admit it was price gouging. A pharmacy in Seattle formulated a drug which was used. Unfortunately, some people complained of a burning sensation just before they died. An Anesthesiologist who lived in this island met with several other Anesthesiologist and reformulated the drug. We heard some interesting, and one funny story about incidents in which the drug was used. So my big question is, if we can do it for the terminally ill why not for those on death row? In the Netherlands and Switzerland an euthanasia program is used for those simply wishing to die. The site "final Exit" has lots of examples of bad ways to die and easy ones. Why does the bad ways be used for death row prisoners? If it's to send a message it has clearly become the wrong message.


There is nothing kind or compassionate about waterboarding anyone to death.

Ryo1 Level 8 May 31, 2024

Makes me feel ashamed to be Canadian. I had hoped we were better than this and it's all for greed. 😢

Betty Level 8 May 31, 2024

Good lord, that is horrible!

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