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I really like this podcast, Politicsgirl, and this was a good one about christian nationalism. It's kind of long, so maybe save it for when you have some time.

Redheadedgammy 9 June 5

Enjoy being online again!

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This is another branch of Putin's slow motion coup against the West. Mainly, it's in the US because of the prevalence of screwball evangelicals. Putin's seeks to topple the Western ideal of church-state separation and balkanize the society. His oligarchs can fund these nut cases with pocket-change and they go off spreading hate and dissension. That the CIA and DOJ gives this activity a pass makes the problem so much worse as they elevate MAGA-types into the spotlight. The US has already fallen, but our domestic traitors heap soil on the coffin...


Donald Trump made it possible for all the religious and non-religious to act up and believe and do what they are all doing today. He got away with it and everyone else saw this. They want it their way and they want it now. It was also discovered by many that you could make money doing these things.


Wonderful! I love it!

I watched it earlier today and loved all the points the guy brought up about the nut cases.

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