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How many did you catch? ...

snytiger6 9 June 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I was driving through a strip mall the other day and a woman came out of a store pushing a shopping cart and stopped IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET to dig into her purse to find her cell phone because she had a call.


This fits my version of people with cell phones. They can't leave the damned thing alone.

One of my nieces lived with my sister before I did. I swear her cell phone beeped or buzzed about every five minutes. I don't see how a person can get anything done being constantly interrupted like that. I don't put any social media apps on my phone simply because there is nothing on social media that can't wait until I get home and log in with the computer.

@snytiger6 My cell phone is only used for talk if needed and limited text. It's a phone. Not an entertainment center.


Bonus points if you bag a boomer or anyone else older than the boomer generation!

hey... I'm a boomer.

@snytiger6 You're that old?? Thought you were Gen X like me??

@SpikeTalon I an 61, but most people think I am around 40, because my face isn't wrinkled and my hair has yet to turn grey.

@snytiger6 Yup, I would have been wrong then, thought you were in your early 50s or so.

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