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Watching the news today,I saw the 4 Israeli prisoners released. hooray!
It does strike me as rather strange that in 8 months of captivity none of these prisoners seem to have lost muscle mass, or showed any sign of being and worse than on the day they were abducted.
Liberated from people who by all accounts are starving themselves, have little in the way of hygiene necessities (toothbrush etc), no water or power little food , yet the prisoners come home in better condition than their captors.
Maybe Hamas is not so bad after all??

vocaloldfart 7 June 9

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Yes, Hamas is the best! Kidnaps, rapes, takes hostages and you expect them to starve their captives that they want to trade for thousands of their own locked up criminals. Of course you could care less about what it's mentally like to be taken hostage, just a walk in the park right? Bet you think Jan 6 was just tourists walking around right? Of course you did a medical check before they were abducted too right, so you have some comparison? Have you seen the people in Gaza walking the streets? Do they look like they are starving? Israel allows aid in, warns of bombings...maybe the Israelis aren't so bad after all?

lerlo Level 8 June 10, 2024

for israel to expect anything but retaliation from people they've oppressed so thoroughly is insane and quite hypocritical considering the way they were treated by the nazis. i find it very difficult to defend israels behavior when they act this way.

Wow. The U.S. dropped not one but 2 atomic bombs on Japan for bombing Pearl Harbor and killed TWO MILLION people including women and children and you were ok with that right? Japan's Constitiution says nothing about driving the U.S. into the ocean unlike the Hamas creed. So you can be as anti-semitic as you want but if Canada came over and raped and kidnapped U.S. citizens you would just say, "oh no problem, PLEASE give us back our hostages." Right? Any reason the Arab countries don't help their poor downtrodden brothers? And certainly The Holocaust was just like Gaza choosing Hamas, a terrorist organization to govern it's territory with a goal of wiping out Israel. Taking all the money they receive and buying weapons. All because Isreal unexpectedly won the 67 war where they were surrounded. Name ANY OTHER COUNTRY in history that had to give up territory it won in a war. You can't. The "Palestinians" left assuming their Arab brothers would win that war, bad choice.

@lerlo your assuming a whole lot there. you don't know me. I'm not an antisemite, im not claiming the u.s. has not made questionable decisions, but you need to check your assumptions. israel, the nation, is not acting responsibly and hasn't treated the palestinians very decently for a long while. the Israeli nation has acted arrogantly and hypocriticaly.

@hankster and of course you have a right to your opinion but who sends rockets into Israel at will? You only want to see the one side and ignore the fact that the "palestinians" picked a terrorist organization to run their land. It's called war. Ahhh so the U.S. has only made "questionable" decisions but Israel fighting for it's survival as a nation, against a terrorist organization that can kidnap and rape and does not have to follow the Geneva Convention can do whatever it wants under the guise of "we're so oppressed" not to mention their charter calling for the destruction of Israel. That would be a "questionable" charter right? Of course you ignore what Gaza could have been with a peaceful government. And of course you ignore that Israel didn't even have to give them Gaza, they won that territory in a WAR. But the poor Palestinians...ignored by all the surrounding Arab countries but it's fun and easy to blame Israel for all the "suffering." The fact that you even try and correlate any of it to the Holocaust speaks volumes. Not to mention justifying Hamas' initial attack and hostage taking in any way.

@lerlo there are plenty of arguments to endure concerning this conflict
many unresolved matters, but right now you might ask who is killing who? and who is starving who? those are the issues i see that render israel no less the terrorist than hamas. there is plenty of hate to go around.

@hankster guess you don't understand the definition of war, with the terrorist side not held to the Geneva Convention and hiding behind innocent people. Guess one side shouldn't start a war they can't finish. Hostages dying and Israelis dying doesn't matter to you, I get it.

@lerlo you are still acting as if you know all about me and this conflict. you don't.
i do care about people dying and hurting of course, regardless of their nationality. you mention one side starting a war they can't finish. no side can "win" this war. it will diminish for a bit then someone will renew it. what you may see as me being unsympathetic, is me perceiving "pointless" pain for all these humans. you are full of hatred and prejudice it would seem. glad I'm not you. peace.

@hankster yeah if you were me you would see that one side started the war and you think that the other side shouldn't retaliate at all and just let it be peaceful, well peace to you too and be glad you're not there. The fact that your sorry Palestinians want to drive Israel into the sea is irrelevant to you apparently, you only see their pain, you should wish them peace and maybe they won't make attacks that end up with them getting killed or have a terrorist organization running their country and hiding behind them also resulting in their death.


I must admit that had occurred to me too

More "rape" & "beheaded babies" cases?


@FrayedBear Little reported fact was that In Nazi Germany, the Ministry of Propaganda, was actually named the Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment. It's purpose was to spread ideology by Its controlled releases in to the media of "Political theatre".

@LenHazell53 the source of the news was Israeli not Hamas.

@LenHazell53 talking of which, have you watched the video in "ADOLF HITLER WARNED HUMANITY BUT WE DIDN'T LISTEN!!! (DOCUMENTARY VIDEO)

Adolf Hitler Warned ..."?

@FrayedBear Video is not available, the whole post has been blocked

@LenHazell53 that's weird. In the AG's app I can still read it & watch half of the video screen that fortunately contains the english subtitles so you can understand the German vocal.

@LenHazell53 I was also given the additional URL (just remove the space after the https:// ): https://

The Agnostic post reads-
Followed by the additional video in the url above watched through my browser without ½ missing -

@LenHazell53 I've just rechecked patriot's post & can now get full view of the video in the post.


I suggest that you also read this remarkable rescue in conjunction with comments on how it has been propagandised to cover up the brutal massacre of 274+ & injury of another 698 Palestinians. Accidentally? killed in the course of the rescue?
No deliberate genocide of unarmed civilians by American armed Israeli Jews & possibly British SAS?
"So you think that your beliefs are not corrupted by deliberate propaganda ?"
"No wonder UK PM Sunak is desperately claiming there is no genocide & atrocities in Gaza."

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