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Dems have an epic ‘Come to Jesus’ moment after President Trump’s sham conviction backfires all over the place…

1patriot 8 June 14

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#Stupid is as #stupid does. 2 sides of the same coin. America needs to starting using folding money or their own legally obtained gold bars not coins.


I hope it bites them on the ass and Trump wins big in November.

For the sake of the world & American citizens it would be far preferable for both Biden & Trump to have incapacitating strokes.

@FrayedBear Trump is a far better choice than that idiot Biden.

@Trajan61 @Trajan61 that is not on the table if you want an intelligent America & world. Have a read of [] which I have just posted at "Spreading The Fiction Of An Antisemitism Epidemic On The Left"

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