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In recent talks with my GOP insurance lady she informed me that the Dems are going to draft Michelle Obama to run in place of Biden. She also says that Biden will end up pardoning Hunter Biden on the gun charge. I ask her why she stresses over these things. Hunter will not get prison time and Michelle does not want to be drafted. Twice I had to tell her that we each have different news feeds. I wonder if she has ulcers?

DenoPenno 9 June 15

Enjoy being online again!

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My drinky neighbor came over today and I had to tell him about this. It was a big mistake. All he does is drink, eat, and go to work and today he was really lit up. He hates Biden and the Obamas. Especially Michelle Obama he says because when she was in office she signed bills against healthy food in schools. I had to tell him this is false and she was never in office of any kind. He knows it is true and so do others he talked with about it. She sneaked in and signed something, he says. Having trouble talking and walking I told him to STF up more than once and I could probably be heard across the street. I told him I would throw his ass out of here if he continued.

His deeply believed takeaways are that Michelle wanted her version of "healthy food" in schools and it meant "you could not have 4 chicken nuggets, but you could get 2." This made the public schools just stop school lunches for the needy all together, he said. I warned him again on his nonsense.

He decided that he had to go but wanted to bitch about gas prices and to do it he went back in time to 2020. That time is past, I told him. You cannot go back to it. Why talk about it? He then remembered he had some place to be, so he left without me having to throw him out.


Can you request a new agent? Because this one is beyond stupid....

Actually she is the head of an agency and once worked with my now dead sister. My car insurance has went to Flo these days and my home insurance is full replacement through Barton Mutual.

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