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How do you all deal with meaning in life? What experiences or reasoning lead you to your choice and how has/does it affect(ed) your life?

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EliRodriguez11 5 May 7

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I answered "other", but my true answer is "both". I accept that there is none other than what I create for myself.


I choose to live it not to contemplate its meaning.


There is a meaning to LIFE (writ large) and that is to evolve. We humans are now devolving physically but in order to evolve mentally we need to constantly learn. Knowledge is the meaning for our species. Otherwise, meaning is only what each of us gives to our life.


This is pretty much my take on things


I make my own...with whatever is thrown at me.


Anyone read Victor Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning?

Basically, to get through life, you have to find meaning. Very well written, very sad telling of his time in Nazi concentration camp.

I read it at a time when I was trying to get over a woman who I love. I think my therapist was trying to say "move on, don't let this be what your life is all about."

My life "does" have meaning. I'd a dad. I'm a son. I'm a husband. I'm a friend. I'm a citizen of the world.

What I do affects people. I try to be conscious of that.

I've only ever read summaries and reviews of the book. I've wanted to check it out though. Thanks for the insight!


Perhaps the meaning of life is to live the question. As Lao Tzu said: "To dance the dance of existence."?


Frequently I have a sense there is no meaning and I'm just waiting to die


I'm just here until I'm not.

Probably my favorite response ?

@EliRodriguez11 Thank you.

Also: "Philosophy" is a philosophy group if you're interested
Edit: ""Philosophy" Group" to ""Philosophy""

@EliRodriguez11 l'm not sure I'm smart enough for a philosophy group. ?


I'm with Jane Austen on this one.


Once i found out it was 42 i was cool with it.

Coldo Level 8 May 7, 2018

Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy is a great movie


The meaning of life is to help the people around you enjoy theirs


I don't think there has to be a meaning...we're just here.

That's a pretty popular answer


I think there is no one meaning for everyone. I tend to follow Buddhist thought thay we are all "one" and I feel that my purpose is to leave this world better than I found it for as many people as I can. Even the little things can have ripple effects

@TiberiusGracchus I like that last part too. Especially since you don't have to let go of relying on evidence to suggest that there is no more than what can be demonstrated physically. And we know that the universe is definitely interconnected. Particle by particle. Krauss is keen on conveying to us that our composition was allowed to us by the death of stars. "Forget jesús dying to save us, STARS died for you to exist!" Lol or something like that. Anyway, yeah, there is some peace in knowing that you are a part of something as massive as the universe. Although I'm not personally a fan of trying to satisfy my desires to feel more significant. I enjoy more the acceptance of reality regardless of whether it might be depressing or disconcerting in general.

@TiberiusGracchus I just created a group if you'd like to join: "Philosophy" Group
Edit: ""Philosophy" Group"


I continue to search for is the truth about why we are here. I don't think I will ever find an answer and maybe I am not capable of finding an answer. World religious beliefs and moral ideas are fascinating. I have read (or rather listened to) a number of books written by the 4 horsemen and they really make one think about life. I was a Christian for 62 years before becoming agnostic. My change may be a result of science study and teaching. To me, it is hard to believe in both Christianity and evolution. Doesn't the story of Adam and Eve along with Noah's Flood seem a lot like fairy tales? It seems unlikely that a God of the universe picked out one little planet and made it just for mankind and then asks them to believe in something based on very little evidence. And then if you don't believe you will burn in fire for ever and ever, and ever.

I enjoy the work of the 4 horseman as well. Particularly Hitch for his extensive knowledge on the history and consistency of religion and Dawkins for his biological understanding. I appreciate Harris' contributions in working to explain away free will with his knowledge of the brain. As for a reason why we are here, you might have heard Dawkins and Krauss speak about the question "why." They say that why should mean more "how" or "what caused" a thing to be that way. Because "why" in some sense assumes some purpose. And the answer to the question of "why" why we are here I'm familiar with is because of evolution. Biological...chemical...cosmological...etc. As for why those things are the way they are is unknown. Because they all reduce to physics and no one knows why physics is the way it is. This is where religion establishes a dogma and atheists seek other answers or suspend judgement.

Also, check out the group: "Philosophy"


I just think about it lots, make up lots of philosophies, work through scenarios, and then tell myself at the end of the day... it's pointless.


I think Albert Camus wrote in the Myth of Sisyphus that although life is absurd (meaningless), living is better than committing suicide as the struggle is beautiful. I don't know what it is really means though. You can create whatever meaning you want, but it is not necessarily better than a meaning that some religions ascribe to your life. What is more important is to "believe" in your chosen meaning without question,if you want to feel happy. Am I suggesting you can't be happy by being right? I hope not.

Camus believed that by facing the absurdity of life and existence, and smiling at it, accepting that absurdity, you rebel so strongly against it that you develop some sense of purpose. And no, I understand what you're saying.

Also "Philosophy" Group is a group I just made for Phil if you want to join


Never understood why so many think there need be a reason, purpose, or meaning.
If anything at all, it's simply to enjoy the short time we have - or not.
...some guy said "there are no answers, only choices"


Accepct that there is no inherent meaning in life and create your own. Be curioius, make friends and live happily.


I kind of questioned the meaning of life since my high school years (late 1970s). Although my parents weren't devout Catholics, I attended a Catholic college, and became an atheist shortly into my first theology class. Logic 101 didn't help matters much either.


The meaning of life is . The experiences that makes up one's existence.

Sartre was keen on this


My son is my reason for existence. His safety and happiness are the only thing that matters. Without him, I would have ended it by now


The Universe is big enough not to notice or give a damn what we are doing or not doing. We could all disappear in an instant and the universe will just continue to expand into whatever it's expanding into and not give a shit. Given the distances between star systems, unless there are galactic level civilisations who can approach the speed of light, and pay us a visit, or at least see us; there's nobody to care one way or another that we even existed. The meaning of life is to determine what life means to you, and proceed accordingly.....or not. I don't spend an inordinate amount of time contemplating it much anymore. Doesn't mean I don't care, I'm not a just understand that I am here for a finite amount of time and I have shit that I want and need to do while I'm here. It's that simple.


It is up to the individual to find their own meaning to their own life.
It's no one else's business what they come up with.


I live one day at a time.

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