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For those of you not keeping score, this is whistleblower number THREE!!!!
The first 2 whistleblowers died untimely deaths prior to testifying in court! One died the very day he was to testify against Boeing!!?!!🤷🏻♂️
I hope this gentleman doesn’t meet the same fate!!? 👀

Aaron70 8 June 18

Enjoy being online again!

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This reminds me of the time that a tail end of a plane snapped loose and brought the plane down. They finally declared that someone had put too much strain on the airplane by using the tail to help the plane turn. Nobody wanted to deal with the fact that it was designed that way, and that design was wrong.


I swear it takes weeks off my (maybe more) every time my son sets foot in one of these contraptions built by Boeing.But he has no choice. He has to take the flights his company pays for. :'(

I’m sorry….I’ll stop posting Boeing stuff. Hope you’re enjoying your cookies!! 🍪 🙃

@Aaron70 Oh, I certainly am enjoying them!!!

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