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The attacks on Dr. Fauci are emblematic of the Republican Party's rejection of real expertise of any kind, and their full embrace of Trump as the cult leader. In MAGA world, climate scientists, doctors, generals, journalists, judges, and professors of law, history, or economics are dismissed and/or vilified in favor of the ravings of a know-nothing, malignant narcissist and convicted felon who paid others to take his tests for him. This will not end well. 😂


Flyingsaucesir 8 June 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Let them visit some religious leader when they're sick. Darwin will prevail.

We do hear of anti-vaxers literally dying for (because of) their beliefs...

@Flyingsaucesir It really upsets me, though, when they subject their children, and other peoples' children, to that same level of ignorance. I wish they could do jail time for that.

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