T1Patriot: Both sides of my family have been citizens this country since 1751 or before.. Members of my family have served the U.S. in every war from he Revolutionary War through he Korean War. I am personally proud to have served in the U.S. Army in West Berlin at the height of the Co.d War. Further, I spent the rest of my work life serving our country by trying to improve or public education.
You call yourself a patriot, but what have you done to serve our country. We would all like to know.
Two lines of my ancestors came to the Colonies in the 1730s. The men in my family served in the Rev. War, both sides of the Civil War, WW I, WW II, and the Korean War. However, their actions do not come to bear on me.
I am a patriot because I support the Constitution in liberty for all and freedom of (and from) religion. I realize that our system is not perfect, i.e. the Equal Rights amendment was not passed; this was due to the outmoded and patriarchal thinking. The Founding Fathers did not consider minorities and women when writing the Constitution, but some things have changed.
As someone else noted, people who wear "patriot" on their sleeves usually have little to no understanding of what the Constitution tries to guarantee. They remind me of the people who put the Ten Commandments in their front yard--whom are they trying to impress? The same with people who have religious bumper stickers.
If they have Patriot in their handle you know right off they’re just a right wing moron……
Ditto, the repucks have been changing the meaning of many words like American, freedom, patriot to suit their agenda
I would hope that I could ignore the posts that I don't agree with instead of trying to "right" someone else's perceived wrongs. I think that's a huge problem in this country today. It's us against them, which is a losing battle. I'm not saying I don't get into it myself, because I do, and maybe this is a reminder to me to not do that. I think it's only damaging to ourselves and others.
It depends on how reasonable a post is. It can be thought-provoking. You seem to regard yourself as a free thinker, as your username suggests, yet you say you ignore any post you don't agree with???
@Ryo1. Not necessarily ignore, but at least not verbally beat up the other person for what they have written.
and our family has been in Canada since 1630 and we have fought our wars too. and many other countries wars. my father was born in the USA and moved back to Canada. i believe in North America, you been fighting someones war, for who is the question you need to ask yourself. today the wars are fought for the wealthy just as they were in WW1 and WW2. they hide the truth and the history from you. would you agree that the winners of the war write the History. I also had family in WW2 and when the Berlin wall come down as peace keepers. did you know that in WW2 many of the German vehicles had ford engines in them. do you know how many wealthy business made money on that war. and those same wealthy family's are waging war around the world to day and who are they do you know, do you even care, they send your kids and grandchildren to war and don't give a shit about them. it's political yes but today in Canada all political parties are bought by the billionaire and trillionaire. the people have no voice. do you see what they did with the C-19 so called vaccination now being called a bio-weapon. do you see the dollar devalue world wide and is headed to CBDC (central Bank digital currency) doing away with cash, where they want to control your every move, what you eat, what you say, do you see the depopulation they are doing around the world 20 million dead that's a good size war with out ever firing a shot. you might believe in killing a man for some one. i believe killing a man to protect my family. i serve my country in many ways just as many in North America. and i have many family in the USA that serve the same way as you. to say because you fought someone's war that you are better man than me. that's that say about you....
Still getting at @1Patriot? If you want to get your message across to him so that you can start a decent conversation, you have to tag him.
If you know how to tag him but you choose not to, then you are just whinging (moaning), and that's probably why nobody pays attention to your whinge any more.