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Louisiana orders every classroom to display Ten Commandments
It's almost incomprehensible to me, an ignostic, that someone's faith could be so weak. They claim their God is the only God and the ruler of all, but this God is so weak that children must be reminded of its existence? A God that can only come into schools if invited? What a pathetic weak God they imagine.

Druvius 8 June 20

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It doesn't work if they get a mass shooting in those schools, God is not protecting them ..... Stupid 🙄🙄🙄

Schools are for learning and churches are for fantasies. The two should not mix.

@Betty They don't but the religious idiots here believe that's why this world is going to shit because no religion in school 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


These fuckwits are a disgrace to the human species.


Remember. We make our gods in our own image.

Which is why the god of the babble is such an asshole...

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