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This guy has taken millions of dollars in bribes from ultra-right-wing billionaires, his wife is a seditionist MAGA-hatter, and nobody can tell him to recuse himself from cases involving Trump? They say a fish rots from the head down...

Flyingsaucesir 8 June 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Judicial reform is long past due. Limit any judge to 12 years on the court. Each Judge would supervise one appellate division (13 division). An Inspector General would supervise and discipline the court, to include an enforceable code of conduct with all gifts of over $50 prohibited just as they are for every other government employee.

Yup, 13 judicial districts, 13 Supreme Court Justices. Expand the court!

I suspect that the thing that worries MAGA most is not Joe Biden; he's really moderate at heart, not into radical change. No. They're worried about Kamala Harris. She WOULD expand the court! 😎👍👍


We need term limits.

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