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Make America kind again ...

snytiger6 9 June 23

Enjoy being online again!

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America was never kind. Our history is one of screwing the natives out of their land and resources, one of the last Western countries to abolish slavery, mistreatment of immigrants from most countries ( China, Ireland, Jews, Italians, depending on the century), racial savagery (Tulsa massacre among others), Japanese internment camps (but not German), and the list goes on. The only kindness was, for the most part, that shown to the tribe members of matching color and standing. Of course there always was and still are many kind people. Nothing has changed.

Yes but the assholes used to know enough to grumble amongst themselves.

All of that so true. I have seen bumper stickers of this slogan, on cars of Unitarian church members, who to my mind, are all too often, also typical wimpy, ineffectual, sissy liberals. This sort of slogan shows a painfully naive, and, as you point out, ignorant view of America, both past and present. Promoting namby pamby, childish views like this, of Trumpian era America, seems to me to be the same sort of inappropriate shit as the joke about how Dems bring briefing books to a gun fight, instead of even bringing at least a knife. It shows an arrogant, and stubborn refusal to accept reality of the extreme situation we are in, and to fight power and force with force and power. Because when you are dealing with ruthless, violent people, nothing else will work..

Well if America has never been all that kind in its actions, then maybe we should start doing so.

@snytiger6 I think that ship sailed long ago, sorry to have to break it to you. I guess I'm just too old, jaded, and cynical now, at least regarding that issue..

@TomMcGiverin I'm 61, which is pretty old. Still, I do my best to be kind. I look at it as I can either "act as if" things were better, in an effort to actually change things, or I can so nothing and let the evils of the world grow. I choose to be good and kind, even though I doubt I will ever see a good and kind world myself in my lifetime. It doesn't mean it isn't a worthy goal, even if it wont' likely ever be reached.


Definitely works for me.

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