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TheoryNumber3 8 June 26

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I Deeply question this story because Rejection (especially from non-familial transplants) is by far the biggest problem in any transplant and the longer hospital stays are pretty much to keep checking and adjusting the anti-rejection meds which need fine-tuning for the until just right...they are a Lifetime need and this is not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing.

You raise a valid point but I don't know enough about the issue to discuss it intelligently. I will tell you, though, that Live Science is a highly credible source. I checked several websites, and they all reported it has highly credible and trustworthy.

"Live Science is a science news website that reports news in various fields, from dinosaurs to health, and follows the scientific method and consensus. Media Bias/Fact Check rates it as Pro-Science and High for factual reporting, with no failed fact checks in the last 5 years."


@TheoryNumber3 Good to know, but this So flies in the face if everything I have ever heard/read about non-familial transplants, a subject I have become much more interested in than I used to be due to my Congestive Heart Failure, which in most cases it is the kidneys that go first....... ( because of necessary incessant diuretic use)

@annewimsey500 Medical standards are constantly changing. It's hard to keep up with the latest data. Every time I get an opinion about a procedure from a doctor, I check to see if he's using the latest methods. I made a mistake once by trusting a doctor and it was a HUGE mistake that I have to live with.

You do have some significant challenges. But you're a feisty broad. You'll probably outlive most of us šŸ™‚

@TheoryNumber3 I get Lifetime Alimony, (after wasting 32 years on him).
I plan to live Forever...

@annewimsey500 It wasn't wasted. You got lifetime alimony šŸ¤£

@TheoryNumber3 not enough, not enough.........


I had wrist surgery - a bone craft - a bit of bone was taken from the radius and used to fix a hole in the scaphoid bone. It was in 1989 and the doctor used an axillary arm block, I was awake with just a light dose of a sedative. It was done at the day surgery at the Seattle Hand and Wrist Group.
Kidney transplant is like a whole new level!!

Every time they tell me they are just giving me a twilight sedative, five seconds after they put it in Iā€™m out cold! šŸ˜µ

@Barnie2years oh you & me both, I just had that 3 weeks ago and do not even remember getting to the operating room. Out a total of 40 minutes and it is a complete blank, even Before the orderlies came for my gurney.
Whereas with major surgery, like the shoulder replacement last year, I remember greeting the assembled and ready to pounce staff in the OR and saying Good Morning to the surgeon as he entered too


Wow!! This is way cool!!

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