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Thinking about Rush Limbaugh ...

snytiger6 9 June 27

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Just another windbag


He was one of the few human beings whose death I celebrated. A man who made it his life's work to convince Americans to hate their fellow Americans through egregious lies and name calling. A vile human being in every respect. That Trump presented him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom was shameful and spitting in the face of democracy and freedom.

In my heart I did a little happy dance when I heard he died. I can't think of any other person, in my lifetime, whose death brought me such happiness.


He damaged a lot of people with his bigoted, small-minded values. Our society became much coarser and dumber on account of his dishonorable behavior.


I remember when Thom Hartmann's ratings were higher than Rush Limbaugh's, Clear Channel changed the progressive formats on all their radio stations, because they feared progressive radio's growth in popularity and the anti-corporate message of "people before profits" that Progressive radio advocated. They in effect killed the option to listen to the progressive viewpoint in radio programming. By doing so they guaranteed that conservatives controlled the narrative people could listen to.

Same thing was done to Michael Moore's TV shows..

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