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Asking an ex-Christian to come back to the flock ...

snytiger6 9 June 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Relationships are a big problem here. If an atheist decides that the big love of their life is a certain believer they may go back and claim to be a believer again. It's all make believe anyway so if you can have the love of this person it might be OK for you to go to church twice a week.


Amen 😇


and yet they often do because decades of conditioning seems to pay off

I think when atheists "come back" or "convert", it has more to do with the fact that humans evolved as herd animals, which instinctually gathered in groups for safety. Those animal instinct to gather in and belong to a group haven't gone away, just because humans no longer live in the bush. Many people are instinctually driven to belong to a group. By doing so, they feel safe, secure and feel strengthened by belonging. It is our animal instincts at work.

@snytiger6 I have seen that happen with a number of people, after they either come down with a terminal illness, are facing death, or else have some personal crisis, all of which require them to feel some need for comfort from others, or mutual support from a network of people, order to deal with their existential and practical crisis. So linking to a theist church, is the logical answer for their needs and situation, despite their past non belief..

@TomMcGiverin One of the most difficult things about leaving my religion/religious upbringing was the adjustment to not having a ready social support system to help me through tough times.

On the other hand, after leaving religion behind, I've never had sui9cidal thoughts either. Such social networks, with very rigid belief systems, do come with an emotional cost.

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