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Not now, Carla Jean ...

snytiger6 9 June 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Or CNN, MSNBC, DailyKOS, etc. America's mainstream "media" is just infotainment for various market shares.


They all (News channels) do it. If you take the time to watch the debate (or most anything else), why do you need a bunch of talking head to come on right after and dissect what you just heard for yourself? And they will be talking about it for the next week, or until some other thing happens that they feel the need to explain ad infinitum. I did not watch the debate, since they are totally useless wastes of time. They are not a debate but rather a sound bite generator for the Parties to use for and against each other. They ceased being venues for providing platform information years ago.

So true, including MSNBC, which blindly cheerleads for the Dem Party, the same as Fox does for the Repubs. And both those networks, as well as all the other corporate media channels, always support the corporate agenda, instead of being fair, balanced, impartial reporting of the news and politics. MSNBC, like the other corporate networks, is always focused on the culture war issues, almost exclusively, instead of reporting honestly on the economic, foreign policy, wars, and climate change, the way the foreign media reports on American politics, since the foreign media doesn't serve the rich and corporations of America.

Anyone who was open-minded, and saw how MSNBC did a year long blackout on Bernie, during the 2020 primary campaign, where he was always ignored or given only negative coverage, can see that they are no more fair and balanced than Fox, when it comes to reporting on economics and anything that opposes the status quo.

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