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I wish that we had better political choices! 😪

Unity 8 June 28

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Same here.


We keep getting the choices that our masters, the rich and corporations, keep wanting us to have, rather than what the voters actually want. And it keeps getting worse every election cycle. The only way it will change, is if the majority of voters finally choose to dump both major parties, and start voting for third party candidates in federal elections. And I'm not talking about third party or independent nutcases like RFK Jr., but people who actually are sane and have a record of activism that matches the policies that voters want.


The choice is easy enough. Only fellow psychopaths would vote for Trump.

Our system has always been absurd and corrupt. We're just having it shoved in our faces. Shame on Biden if he stays in, placing his own lust for power above the country's survival. In that regard, he perfectly resembles Trump.

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