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Given the fact that Al Gore indeed won in 2000, this guy has never been wrong……🤔

Aaron70 8 June 30

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Yes, but I thinK Al Gore gave it up when he realized that he and his cronies would make a lot of money selling a license to pollute to the rich. They call it 'credits."

No, he gave it up when it became obvious that the GOP had folks in Florida willing to throw out black votes.🙃

And that was the last time I voted, true story….🤠

If you’ve never seen Michael Moores Fahrenheit 911, it is definitely worth your time. He describes and shows you exactly what happened in Florida in 2000. And it’s all verifiable. The courts disenfranchised thousands of black voters and threw their votes out right in front of our eyes. 🤷🏻♂️
Gore conceded because he felt it was in the best interest of the country, which is debatable. But clearly with a Bushy running the good state of Florida at the time, there wasn’t a chance in hell Jeb was gonna let Florida cost his brother the election.
Fact is, Gore won Florida giving him the electoral victory. Gore also won the popular vote. So he will go down in history as the only candidate to win both the electoral and popular vote and not be potus….🤔

Fahrenheit 9/11 is available to stream for free on tubi and Peacock for free if you care to watch it.🤠

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