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And a god that supposedly created all this is monitoring over 7 billion people on that dot and deciding whose prayers to answer . When it comes to bullshit,you have to stand in awe of the all time champion of false crap to believe in !

It's over 8 billion now 😳


Best example of our 'importance' I have seen. Thanks!


Religitards refuse to accept that we are nothing more than apes scuttling around on the surface of a ball of rock and mud which circles an unremarkable star orbiting an unremarkable black hole in an unremarkable corner of the universe.

Apes that produce art. 🙂

Only mathematicians believe black holes exist; and they don’t require evidence.

kinda remarkable we are here at all, but we are, for now. plus there's ice cream.

@yvilletom Actually, the discovery of black holes was predicted in 1915 by Einstein's theory of general relativity. And their existence was first confirmed in 1971 through observation of a phenomenon known as gravitational lensing. Since then, supermassive black holes have been found at the centers of all galaxies close enough to allow observation of the motions of stars near their centers. So it's not just mathematicians, but also astronomers, cosmologists, Earth scientists, evolutionary biologists....In fact, virtually the entire scientific community now accepts the existence of black holes. This acceptance is based wholly upon independently-verifiable evidence.

Notice that I never once used the words "believe" or "belief." That's because belief implies acceptance of a proposition with or without evidence. Such an attitude is antithetical to science, so scientists generally try to avoid such language when discussing scientific matters. Instead, we either accept or reject a hypothesis or proposition. And that acceptance is always provisional. We always leave open the possibility that new evidence could come to light, forcing us to change our position. This flexibility is one of the main characteristics of science that distinguish it from religion.


@Flyingsaucesir Perhaps @yvilletom is unaware of Sagittarius A* ? He also seems to be quite ignorant of the nature of mathematics.

@Flyingsaucesir, @anglophone

Only mathematicians, aka theoretical physicists, believe black holes exist. And NASA. Wikipedia is their publisher.

Astrophysicists, who require evidence, don’t believe. Visit AGNOSTICS Scientists group or its Love of Physics group.

@yvilletom See the Center for Astrophysics publication in the link below.

Notice how the language it uses indicates complete acceptance of the existence of black holes. For example, "Black holes come in three categories:..."


@Flyingsaucesir Is that where you will start your graduate studies?

I’m sure you will do well.


location, location, location.


And, you only live in a little, very thin film, of gas and water on the surface, which occupies less than one percent of that.

While, you can only practically live in less than ten percent of that. Because about half a billion years ago, a fish crawled out of the water, and adapted to life in the wet fringes of the seas. The future generations however, never adapted to the really dry deserts or to the high altitudes much above a mile high, but they lost the power to return to more than the shallow parts of the seas, for any meaningful activity. So you remain just stuck in just the damp green edges of the seas.


Further attempts to make me humble will also fail. (grin) i

See above. LOL

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