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What a complete embarrassing sheetshow election 2024 is. Not one but two emperors with no clothes running for POTUS.

Druvius 8 July 4

Enjoy being online again!

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That’s exactly the attitude that gets Trump elected again. Thanks.

No, Trump got elected because Clinton ran a shitty imperious campaign. If she had reached out to the Berners and asked for their votes, she would have won. The fact that she both lost to Trump ... and couldn't even own her own failings, shows she wasn't qualified to be POTUS in the first place. I'm sorry Biden is an old party apparatchik unable to lead the country, that's not the voters' fault, it's the Dems fault.


Biden has managed to lead the country better than Trump would have. Ability to debate with a recurring speech impediment is not an indicator of ability to be an executive.

He sadly was the Senator from MBNA, behind the horrific bankruptcy bill, and the superpredator crime bill. I would have preferred Warren or Harris by far in 2020. I was stuck with Biden.

If it wasn’t for Trump I might not have voted in 2016, then assuming Clinton v Bush 2.0. But at least I knew what she actually meant by the deplorables basket vs empathy deserving basket comment unlike 99.9% of the Monday morning quarterbacks on that speech. We would be in a much better place if she had won, warts and all.

The Russian hack that exposed DNC shenanigans against Bernie did not impact my disrespect for the DNC one bit. I already hated them. I like Bernie.

In 2016, 2020, and 2024 my vote was/is against Trump. Full stop! We need to do distasteful things to quash fascism.

@Scott321 You seem to still be under the common illusion that the DNC actually cares about winning federal election, including the presidency, rather than just caring about getting their corporate campaign cash, serving their corporate masters, and defeating all progressives that run for federal offices. Once you get over your illusions, every choice the DNC makes, on candidates and policy, all begins to make perfect sense, rather than looking accidental or as mistakes...


Neither one is capable of seeing the complete cognitive disarray they are in, though one is decidedly more well-intentioned.

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