Sadly enough, I truly believe that is at least partly, why so many people remain willfully ignorant, so they can enjoy the perceived bliss, of their dull, unexamined lives, and let themselves rot away in their cocoons of narrow comfort zones... As someone said long ago, If most Americans payed half as much attention to politics, as well as less attention to the corporate media, as they do to the Super Bowl each year, we would have had Ralph Nader twice already, as president.. It's what happens when you are an outnumbered minority, you can only watch helplessly, like a hostage, while you see things go badly... The other choice, is to flee, if you have the means and the will to leave your home and people behind, for your own safety and well being. I am too old, stubborn, and unwilling to start over around strangers, so I will stay and fight, and probably suffer for it..