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One more thing sir...

snytiger6 9 July 11

Enjoy being online again!

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So far at least 140 people who worked for him in his administration have been found to be involved. I wonder if that's what they were working on at that time since they weren't doing anything productive for the country? Regardless, this is his standard protocol: do something shocking, deny it, then admit it - and his cult accepts it. In retrospect, it's kind of trained us to accept a bit of the unacceptable, too.


Lauren Level 8 July 12, 2024

@Sierra4 I guess a lifetime of denying his criminal activities has made it second nature to him? What a moron.


For a guy that claims to have a very big brain and the best memory, there is sure has a lot of stuff he claims to know nothing about. Yet all the MSM can talk about is old Joe’s gaffs……This country is devolving into total absurdity thanks to DJT and the fools who support him……..


Yes indeedy, how did That happen.......

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