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There was a helicopter crash straight into the ocean off the coast of Kauai yesterday. Of the 3 people who were aboard, one was found dead, and the other two are still missing. I'm going to guess also dead by now. A search crew is still searching the area.

Of course, after tragedies like this, the social media posts comments tend to be a bunch of prayer emojis - but one comment that caught my eye was this one which said "May God be glorified!" in response to this tragedy. (Updated to say that I don't know the commenter - she's just a local resident of Kauai.)

I just can not understand how it glorifies God to have his children crash into the ocean in a remote area. It always puzzles me how human sacrifice always seems to bring out the worshipers, unless she is hoping the other 2 people involved will be found alive.


Julie808 8 July 13

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One of so many ways that people lose their honor and integrity to religion (while embracing arrogant dishonesty by spreading lies).


Funny how that works. So many of the religious fanatics are such because of their fear of death but they allow themselves to totally believe in an afterlife in a so called heaven. So, to the real zealots death is something to be glorified in. To the rest of (secretly doubters) the bunch they question it when someone dies. They will do anything to preserve their lives but criticize those who choose to end theirs as it against (a) god's plan. They always say they can't wait to meet Jesus, but not just yet.

Interesting, as helicopters are more dangerous planes. One thing I've noted, on Lopez, is that during this time the emergency helicopters, from our clinic to the mainland hospitals, fly a lot more often. I'm along the flight path and hear them, often back to back, during this time of heavy tourism. These flights are not cheap and can go as high as $15K+ (imagine going on a vacation and getting a bill like this). Here we have insurance which often covers the whole flight.

Yes, I think Mother Teresa fits that category of zealots who think there is glory in death and dying.

We do get a lot of helicopter crashes since it's a popular tourist activity. We also have a lot of rescues picking up injured hikers by helicopter as well. Currently it's the local tax payers who foot the bill for rescues, but there is a push to make the daredevils who get in trouble pay for their own rescue. It's only fair, but it's hard to draw the line between a true emergency rescue, and just someone tired of hiking and wanting a ride out of the popular 11 mile hike into a remote valley and back out the 11 miles.

I often see the emergency helicopters out over the bay looking for missing swimmers, shark sightings and who knows what else.

@Julie808 C. Hitchens once worked for her (probably to see how she really worked) and wrote a book, "The Missionary Position." 60 Minutes also did an expose' and showed how she took a perfectly good building and made it dangerous. She did not want her volunteers to have luxuries as elevators and had them disconnected. A lot of other things she did went against code and she was forced to leave. This is how zealots work. I wonder how she would feel about tRump and his (faux) promotion of Christianity.


Who was Bobbie O’Connor? The link didn’t say.

I'm guessing that it was Bobbie O'Connor who posted the tweet.

Sorry, the commenter lives in a town on Kauai, and along with all the prayer emoji's regarding the tragedy, this particular comment struck me as a bit unfeeling toward the victims of the crash.

I don't know the commenter - but I did recognize many of the other commenters who offered prayers regarding the search. I just screen shot this little comment, but the site makes it larger for some reason.

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