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I just learned that Trump was shot at while doing a rally. My usual stance here is that it could not have happened to a nicer man. Next time practice a bit more please.

DenoPenno 9 July 13

Enjoy being online again!

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-And so predictably, the Trumpers are already making a martyr out of the spectator who was fatally shot. Right out of the Hitler playbook, create a martyr to unify the cause and rally the troops. To me, this is just like 9-11, where the bad guys will gladly sacrifice one or more people, who are willing or innocent victims, just to serve their political ends. In the case of 9-11, the deaths of a couple thousand people, was just collateral damage or a necessary sacrifice, for Cheney and Bush to get their war with Iraq, after they had known in advance about the plans for the attack, but either did nothing to stop it, or may have even been in on it before it happened. We'll never know, with all the repression of classified docs and the lying done to cover up any real investigation of it.


So now we are being told that the shooter was a nerdy, loner kid who was bullied in high school, so if true, it establishes him as the typical lone wolf shooter, who would have done it to impress someone or get even with those he felt wronged him. But since he was conveniently killed right after he shot his shots, we never get to know about his motives or if he was involved with a conspiracy. How typical and convenient..

Just saw a Trump supporter, who was at the rally, and was interviewed by the MSNBC, said that he and others saw the shooter get on the roof and begin crawling on it with a rifle, for "two or three minutes", before he began shooting, and during this time, he and others were pointing to the shooter and telling the cops and Secret Service about him, but the security people did not react or do anything. Sounds way too much like 9-11, where the authorities knew about it in advance, could have stopped it, but didn't even try, because it served their political ends, and may have even been in on it. Some things never change, do they? The whole thing seems like it was planned and scripted in advance, to benefit Trump..

It will benefit Trump for sure. I'm hearing of others that were shot, security that was lax, rally attendees running around looking for or spotting things, etc. Lax security compared to what? How can a bystander make this sort of claim legitimately? Film of others running around pointing out where the shooter was can only be done long after the site is secured. Put this together with everyone talking of how horrible this was and they are sending thoughts and prayers, yes, we are praying for everyone, etc. It's pure bullshit. Trump wanted others to listen to him when he claimed "fake news" for lots of what goes on. All of the prayers, and tears, etc. are really fake news. Who are they praying to? Everyone praying for everyone else is the big lie that goes back into my church dayz. It' still a big lie today. I had to stop watching news events on this shooting because of it.

Trump will be able to turn this but it appears Tom Crooks was a mousy looking Republican from Texas. Who knows what he will be a month from now.


I feel bad that it happened, as political violence should never be justified as a acceptable tactic, at least not against politicians, that's why we have elections, corrupt as our system is. I see nothing but political benefits from this, for Trump and his party. I also see it as something that will fire up his supporters, gain him sympathy from independent voters, help make him seem more human, instead of the monster and criminal that he is, and worst of all, it will make his more violent and angry supporters, feel that revenge violence, against Biden, Dems, and groups of likely Dem voters, as being justified. So prepare to see a mass shooting, sometime later this summer, by a right winger against a group of black, immigrant, or Hispanic victims, maybe even a mosque.

I am also very skeptical about how this shooting happened, as far as whether it might have been a put up, set up job, rather than a serious attempt on Trump by a lone wolf shooter, etc.. I find it hard to believe that the shooter was able to get up on the roof and fire several shots, without first being spotted and stopped, but that as soon as he fired, he was suddenly spotted and then successfully shot dead, immediately after he fired his shots. Just way too convenient for the whole thing. Also, Trump did not seem to act like you would expect, for someone who was surprised at being shot and would have been in shock. Yet, he seemed to act like he was not in shock or that surprised, as he raised his fist and urged his supporters on. It all seemed way too much like he was following the script from when Reagan got shot, and that guy acted so calm and nonchalant about it.

I will need to see some strong evidence of this having been for real and serious as far as someone trying to kill Trump, before I believe this was not a set up to help Trump politically, and that the alleged shooter, was not just another patsy, like Oswald, Ray, or Sirhan, who was set up to either be killed and silenced, or to take the rap, after the mission was completed, while the real killer or others in the conspiracy, are left untouched. Wouldn't be surprised at all, if the shooter was not aware that the plan was for him to be shot dead, as soon as he finished firing, instead of surviving, or that he may have been a willing martyr in the plan, agreeing to sacrifice himself to aid his cult leader.

But this is all higher level stuff, that we peasants will never be allowed to know the real truth about, as you can bet your ass that all the evidence will be classified secret until long after we are all dead.. For those who are skeptical of my suspicions here, I suggest they watch the movies Bob Roberts, a political satire with a serious message, about a right wing US Senate candidate, who fakes an assassination attempt, which helps him win the election, and also the classic movie, The Manchurian Candidate, either the original or the remake with Denzel Washington, as this stuff is not that hard to do and pull off. It already has been done, several times in real life, where a conspiracy was successfully done to kill a leader and cover it with a seemingly plausible official story..


Of course violence is wrong, but I don't feel one ounce of pity for this piece of crap.. He has threatened, abused, and destroyed so many lives, AND continues to do so. However, this is going to be very bad for this country.


Sorry political violence is never the answer.

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