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They called Reagan Teflon Ron, but he’s a picker next to Trump! At least when he got shot, he actually took a bullet and everything. He didn’t have a paid for Supreme Court to protect him. Trump will never spend a day in jail, probably never pay a damaging fine. They have for the moment thrown out his documents case in Florida (thanks to the MAGA owned judge), the Georgia indictment has been permanently bogged down, and SCOTUS has made sure that his trial for trying to overthrow the election will never see time in court before the election in November. And they already know the Right is not going to allow Trump to lose again. No matter what it takes! “Teflon Don” barely begins to cover this slime-ball’s ability to get away with criminal activities!

Barnie2years 8 July 15

Enjoy being online again!

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I wish you were wrong about him. I fear the only way Trump may ever pay for his crimes, will be thru karma, the only metaphysical thing I still believe in, and even with that, I may not be alive to see it. With my luck, Trump will probably outlive me.. My hope is that someday, maybe after he is no longer president again, that he develops dementia full on, like Thatcher did, and lives out his final days in mental stupor, for all of us to enjoy. I have said that I would never wish dementia on my worst enemy, after watching my late wife suffer with it, for her last six years. But Trump has been such a monster for so long, and gotten away with it so far, without any real consequences, that I am willing to make an exception to that vow, for him at least...

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