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If god were indeed omnipotent ...

snytiger6 9 July 16

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This seems like a very simple truth but so many have trouble believing it. This started in modern times when the word "holy" was added to the bible book cover. The reality of this strange book is that it came into existence by decree and should have both a beginning and an end. We can thank Constantine. The writers all lived in different times and most could not possibly know each other, so it is no wonder that the big book simply does not make sense.

It is the fact that it does not make sense, and contradicts its self, that is the secret of it's success. Since you can find backing in it for anything, and interpret it anyway you like, yet still claim that that anything has the backing of a perfect authority, god.


God and Jesus didn't know how to write.
So the writers made shit up and made contradicting answers to add to the wonders.
Then claim it was universal truth and knowledge.
Then billions bought it, still most really didn't read it well.

As above. It is the fact that it does not make sense, and contradicts its self, that is the secret of it's success. Since you can find backing in it for anything, and interpret it anyway you like, yet still claim that that anything has the backing of a perfect authority, god.


Bush told the Pope 'God told me to invade Iraq'

The Pope was more concern about the robbing and destruction of the ancient artifacts than the death of the Iraqis.


Crazy religious people will tell you he does, through the voices they hear in their head. The same voice that told Abraham to kill his son (then psyched him!) and tells other believers to go out and murder people.

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