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Elizabeth Struhs's mother previously told jury her daughter's illness was 'given by God': []

This murderess cites God as her defense.

anglophone 9 July 18

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This seems like an unusual case but it is fundamental to all Abrahamic religions (the clue is in the name). Many years ago I visited Jerusalem. It is a strange city for an atheist, a convention centre for all monastic faiths, here is what struck me. Right in the middle is the dome of the rock. It is where Muslims believe that Abraham offered Isaac god. Now I have heard that you are nobody in Chicago until you have had someone "rubbed out". Well, you are nobody in Jerusalem until you have put a kid on an altar. Every single religion in the multitude that calls that city home has sacrificed a child in one way or another.


And therefore the child should be Worshipped and Adored as being Touched by Gawd, right?
Oh, wait.........


By her own definition, so is talent, imagination, creativity, and the ability to use it. If her "god" gave the child the illness by her definition her "god" also gave them the medicine to control it.

Her defense holds no water.

Betty Level 8 July 18, 2024

I would guess that the jury will take exception to her trying to bully them like that.

@anglophone I hope so.

@Betty The trial is expected to last another 10 weeks. Somebody that I am acquainted with tells me that such cases almost always go against the defendants.

@anglophone I do hope the judge is wise enough to find them guilty of premeditated murder. There is no way in this day and age that they were not aware that withholding life-saving medication would cause severe damage and lead to death.

Especially if the defendants are refusing legal representation.


That's a pretty shaky defense, since there is no evidence that God exists, and in all likelihood does not exist. And disease would be a very strange kind of gift for a child.

It gets even weirder.

Mrs Struhs said in the recording there were proven "failures in the medical system", and that it's "not 100 per cent certain that if you go to the hospital that you are going to be healed".

"God has promised 100 per cent guarantee of heal," she said.

@Zealandia The woman is dangerously deranged.

@Zealandia I wonder how she will explain her "god's" failure to "heal".

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