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Fox News continues to play a clip that claims the parents of Trump shooter Tom Crooks called the FBI worried about why their 20 year old boy had not come directly home after his shift. They had not seen him in a few hours. Think on this nonsense and you can see how we are being prepped for something else to come. Media reports of the concerned parents phone call have changed and some are no longer posted, but Fox News keeps going strong with this. How many parents are this worried about a 20 year old not coming straight home?

DenoPenno 9 July 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Fox News is not reporting the news, they are trying to change the narrative from Democracy to Fascism.


I continue to think this was a staged, fake assassination attempt, to benefit Trump politically, and this phone call, seems to be just another fishy thing that is likely just another piece of the coverup.. I have read reports online, that his family, including him, were very reclusive and insular, so maybe they were so emmeshed with each other, that his parents would get all freaked out, if he was unexpectedly gone for a few hours..

Tom, I agree with you and NoGod. The thing is something is afoot here. I'm guessing that they are trying to prove that the shooter was "not normal." Is any shooter normal? Hey, nobody shot at Trump yet and Crook's parents call the FBI because their 20 year old did not come straight home from work.

I catch a bit of news from all over. My Republican insurance lady did not want to talk any of this today and I saw I was pissing her off. I shut up about it. She gave me a tip recently to where I am making over $5000 in 13 months. Maybe she will give me more tips later. LOL

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