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All God really is , is the personification of an idea. That idea being power and control over those things we, as humans, typically have no control over: death, illness, fate, happenstance, things that can effect our lives in either beneficial or devastating ways.

God is the human answer to our own powerlessness. No one really dies, we just transition to an eternal life of joy. You didn't go bankrupt due to an economic downturn, God has a plan for you, your child may have died at age 7 but he's in a better place now.

Okay, fine, if people want to help themselves feel better by bullshitting themselves, have at it but it's gotten so out of control that it's become its own thing, a problem unto itself. God has been made into an actual living magical being, the worship of whom has made millions of people into brain-dead religious zombies who believe in whatever preposterous idea their spiritual leaders pull out of their ass. Nothing is too outlandish, ridiculous or stupid to believe so long as it's prefaced with "God" or "Jesus."

Try it, it's fun! What works better with a religious audience of viewers: "I need a Tesla S Plaid Model Excellence 24K because I want one!" or "God spoke unto me and told me to equip myself with a Tesla S Model Plaid Excellence 24K so that I may better spread his word across this great nation of ours!"

This works whether you're begging for a $300K car or a $65M personal Learjet. The amount doesn't matter so long as the request is coming from God. So long as that claim is made, their wallets fly open and money is rained down upon the evangelical leader. This is interesting given that it's still just a man who's making the claim that he knows what God wants.

They never seem to square that obvious circle.

Sgt_Spanky 8 July 18

Enjoy being online again!

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It does however give some limited real control, over the one thing that most people find the most frightening of all, other people.


I guess I always preferred simplicity in concepts, so I go with John Lennon's lyric, " God is a concept, by which we measure our pain"...

Far be it from me to argue with John Lennon, but...


An eternal life of joy. All I know is I wanted a million bucks for my birthday and nothing happened.

Me too. I think that's where the initial doubt came from. God never seemed to do anything for me. Nothing. Ever.


@Sgt_Spanky So God is supposed to be a combo of Santa and the Easter Bunny, maybe even the Tooth Fairy, lol?

@TomMcGiverin Is it asking too much of the most powerful being in the universe to throw me a bone every now and then? I'm a nice person.


If a child is dead at age 7 and in a better place.
Why dose the family cry so much?

I've wondered the same thing. Wouldn't it be a cause for celebration that the child is out of pain and cloaked in God's love for an eternity of happiness? So what's all the tears about?

@Sgt_Spanky Deep down on an instinctual level, they know it is BS. I think we all do. Some of us can acknowledge it and others bury it in religion.

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