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Earth is wobbling and days are getting longer — and humans are to blame
(Damn humans! They ruin everything!)


TheoryNumber3 8 July 19

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I was taught in 4th and 5th grades that the Earth has always wobbled and that's why there were Ice Ages and very warm periods.
Nobody suggested humans caused wobbling, all planets wobble.
(And fergarpwdsake, I am not a Climate Denier by any stretch of the imagination!) The changes caused by wobbling do Not occur with the speed we are witnessing, never have.

Unfortunately, fossil fuels are causing the increase


Variables that already have to be accounted for will get slightly more variable. This is fascinating, but of effectively zero impact.

Zero impact? That requires an explanation.

@TheoryNumber3 OK, zero impact on anyone's day to day life.

@Druvius Not ours, but future generations

@TheoryNumber3 If the length of the year changes by a few seconds over the next ten thousand years, it's not going to cause any problems. There are plenty of things humans are doing that are a bad idea ... this isn't one of them.

@Druvius Much of what science discovers has zero impact on our daily life. However, it is valuable to know that our behavior impacts our environment in ways we don't always realize, whether it affects us directly or not. It's called INFORMATION.

@TheoryNumber3 In that sense it's fascinating, science rocks. We got flerfers out there pretending the world doesn't move while scientists are measuring how fast it spins in microseconds.

@Druvius flerfers? Is that some sort of local lingo?

@TheoryNumber3 Flat Earthers.

@Druvius I never heard that before LOL

We are not the only species on this planet, and the only one who will be able to consciously adapt to changes. That we affect other life negatively should be the main concern, but we are too selfish.
Another good reason not to mess with our natural satellite, the Moon. Should be declared off limits.


Just one more thing that will kill us!

Yes... How can I kill thee.. let me count the ways

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