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How many people here are fully awake and not just partially awake?? You may know that organized religion is a psyop but do you realize the globe 🌎 is a psyop as well??

SlprHasAwakend 3 July 19

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Can you define “psyop” please?

Psyop a military actions designed to influence the perceptions and attitudes of individuals, groups, and foreign governments.

They don't influence my decision in life, just work around them . Wail most are programed by them.

Don't know if he has a different definition.

One example of PSYOPS is propaganda, a type of communication or advertisement that aims to influence a targeted group's way of thinking or decision-making. Ultimately, the goal of a propaganda campaign is to compel a population to take action in line with a specific message by introducing influential information.


So does that mean you are an isolationist, a flat earther or both ?

Fun fact about the Flat Earth Society…😂


I'm awake but I'm not woke. It's an important distinction.

Woke is being aware of injustice. That's all it is.

@jlynn37 No this is what it was intended to be, but has been socially engineered in to quite the opposite, being socially aware, progressive and just, does not need a slang term, woke is to this as Bolshevisms is to socialism and suffers from the same deliberate equivocation.

@jlynn37 No, it's going way too far trying to correct every perceived injustice hey see. This includes injustices that only they can define. Was a white, red head little mermaid really an injustice that needed to be corrected, or a male Thor? Woke thinking is bullshit.


Is hot summer weather a psyop?


Please define "fully awake". I thank you in advance.


You double posted..


Very few are awake, I'm one. Kind of enjoying the Matrix game, living in the woods in a tiny house community. Think the solution is to be alway working on your self and others in good health.

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