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Hobby Lobby took out a full page ad ...

snytiger6 9 July 20

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And gasoline is only 5 dollars a gallon...

What price freedom?

Freedom is priceless and always worth fighting for.

@racocn8 But your comment implies that it's not worth driving a little further. Even in a democracy, we have very little power to influence. One thing we can do is vote with our wallets. Personally, I will not buy Nestle, drink in Wetherspoons (owned by a Brexit funder) or do cocaine. Chic-fil-A got boycotted out of the UK and my home town Liverpool has boycotted Murdocks Sun newspaper. It is perfectly okay for any business to support any position it wishes but I can spend my coin accordingly.

I have frustration with trying to fight the good fight with one hand tied behind my back. With their no-holds-barred and dirty tricks, its more like bringing a knife to a gun fight. They cheat in the worst ways and then threaten us with civil war if we don't like it. I think the message going back to them should be clear. Ad frankly, with the deck stacked against us, violence is always an option. I like principles as much as anyone, but you don't see Putin backing down. Remember, Putin was behind Brexit just as he was behind Trump and Le Pen.


I will never set foot in Hobby Lobby or Chick-fil-A. Icky!

I might step foot in one ... to use the restrooms. Can't think of any other reason why I would though.

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