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(I posted this in Community Senate a few days ago, and got no response. So now I'm bringing it to the community at large.)

I have recently found that my posts are being labelled "FUTURE," and that their viewing by others is apparently being delayed by some arbitrary number of hours. I have not received any explanation for this change. Can anyone shed light on this development?

I also recently found that either my membership in one of the site's side groups (Conservative Atheists) has been unilaterally terminated, or the group itself has been dissolved. I do not know which is the case, or even if the former is possible. The message that appears in a green bar at the top of the page and reads, "Group Conservative Atheists is not available" is more than a little vague as to the reason.

I have received a number of alerts that members have reacted with heart-eyed smiling emojis or with written response but I am unable to see what they are referring to. Sorry if I have not gotten back to you.

Flyingsaucesir 8 July 20

Enjoy being online again!

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My last 2 posts were also automatically timed to post in the future - and gave me a choice to set the time, but not knowing what time zone the site is on made that a bit odd. Seemed as if someone wanted to screen or approve it first, like to reduce spam? I thought maybe it could have been because I was traveling, so not in the same time zone or location I usually post in. I wondered about that myself, as well. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this new development.

I tried setting the time but it seemed to have a mind if its own, and kept resetting itself to later and later times.

I think someone in admin is putting their thumb on the scale.


I noticed that future post nuisance last week but haven't this week. I think it was happening because I was accidentally touching the "future post" button in the bottom left of the phone screen.

Yeah this is not some kind of user mistake. Someone has instituted a change in the way the site works.

@Flyingsaucesir it didn't happen on my last post nor one made 1 minute ago re Biden dropping out of the next election.

@Flyingsaucesir are you using phone app or computer browser?


Wodda we want
Inalienable rights for FlyingSaucesir
Whendaa we wannit


I would think, given your political views, that the Conservatives banned you for life from their group 😁. Open ended echo chambers are not what they are looking for. Anymore than I want fascist cretins trying to stir up things on our side. I get enough of that watching the news,

A. Is such a ban actually possible?
B. Wouldn't that run counter to the purpose of the site (i e. being a forum for free and open exchange of ideas)?
C. If the answers to A and B are "yes" and "yes but that's the way it is," then I am really not surprised by their cowardice. It's right in line with their morally bankrupt, intellectually flabby politics.

@Flyingsaucesir Have you spent much time arguing with your walls? It’s about the same result. Nothing penetrates. Facts? Proof? Videos of Trump actually saying garbage? They just bounce right off. I don’t block many people, but when they just keep repeating the same MAGA talking points to every response…click, gone.

@Barnie2years Who gets to make the decision to ban someone? Is it the founder alone, or by popular vote?

I will argue that their banning me is evidence that I got under their skin. The chicken shit(s) is/are afraid of something.

@Flyingsaucesir Welcome to the proud group of those banned from Conservative [SnowFlakes]!
The Moderator of Any Group does indeed have the power to do that, why not, they started the Group or were nominated to take it over.....gotta be Some perks.
I like to think of them all circle-jerking with, as @Barnie2years points out so ably, never a new thought in any of their pointy lil heads........

@annewimsey500 I know I'm in good company. 🙂

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