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I hear Walmarts hiring!?!πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜‡πŸ™

Aaron70 8 July 20

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As enrollment in higher education appears to be down all over the USA and I am not getting my usual allotment of courses, Walmart is an option! Actually, I wouldn't mind working there a few hours a week--it would get me out of the house. My other choice would be to work part-time in a fabric store, but they are almost a 30 minute drive and Walmart is about five minutes.

However, If I seek a part-time job, it will be after I voluntarily cut back classes (which I plan to do in a year or so).


I know a woman that works there. She does everything and gives breaks to a lot of the employees, often ending up as a door greeter. They are the ones who check receipts as you leave. On a recent visit she is at the door as I am leaving. I smile and tell her she knows I don't like the door check thing. We talk a bit and I tell her Walmart is wrong. They think the enemy is the person in the store with food stamp cards. She correctly told me their biggest problem is thieves from within. Yes, their own employees.

Employee theft is typically the worst. Crimes of opportunity…..

I worked at Walmart for two years over 20 years ago. Employee theft was rampant. One guy working in the garden department had his buddy drive up the door and they would load a riding lawnmower in the pick-up. I think there were seven mowers that "disappeared" this way. No one suspected until a new hire noticed what was going on.

Another guy in the electronics department also worked in tandem with a buddy. They would put a TV on a flatbed cart and because the employee escorted the buddy out, again, no one suspected. Finally, a door greeter asked to see a receipt and all hell broke loose.


They are always hiring because they treat their underpaid employees like slaves...

That’s capitalism in a nutshell unfortunately….🀠

@Aaron70 And I can't think of a more fitting punishment for a preacher than to be forced to work at a shit company like Walmart or McDonalds...

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