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Dear republican party You sold your soul ...

snytiger6 9 July 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Your the one who sold their soul to the radical democrats!


What a load of bullshit LOL

Which parts and don't just say "all of it". I want specifics so for example are you saying that he didn't cheat on all 3 wives? Because I can defend every one of those statements and from what I see, all you have is blind faith.
Prove me wrong!

Crickets... I thought so. Like most MAGAs, you just ring the bell and run away. God forbid you stand your ground and argue the point. Instead, you will try and chickenshit your way out of any debate. Just like Trump vs Harris.
I leave you with I direct quote "Trump is a total fraud" - J. D. Vance


Proofs Christianity is another false religion:

  1. Evolution disproving The Fall that Jesus death and resurrection supposedly atones.
  2. The New Testament: when it was written, translated, compiled, and then translated again.
  3. The History of Christianity: Including the pogroms, the Crusades, the Inquisition, the treatment of women (as witches and general misogyny), innumerable sects and splits, the Conquistadors and other genocides, the various wars and treatment of indigenous peoples, the Holocaust and the Nazis, Trump, Project 2025, and 90 million quisling Evangelicals (all with personal relationships with Jesus and still acting like utter assholes).
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